Friday Lunch Bunch

.also known as the Liars’ Club his group,  also known as "The Lunch Bunch," started in the 50’s, still meets, although with a different cast of characters.  One part of the weekly event involved playing “Indian Poker,” and records of the group indicate that JDM was “fair to middlin,” as they say.  Serial numbers of dollar bills were used to make a hand, and each player held a dollar bill on his forehead while reading what the other players had on their foreheads, and then betting.

Conversations revolved around writing, agents, and anything else the group wanted to talk about.  It was at one of the gatherings where MckInley Kantor bet JDM he could not write a “good”novel.  The result:  The Executioners. JDM right front

(Scroll down to bottom to see JDM's record over many years.)

From Richard Glendenning’s A Host of Fridays,-- a history of the

 Liar’s Club/Friday Lunch Bunch ( 1984)

That’s JDM on extreme right, front.  The left to right identifications on the back of the picture left him out, and it is not clear if the rest are correctly noted. (probably taken in 1983)

© bill 2014